Past Events News

Past Events

April 2006 Meeting
Tuesday, April 18 
Massachusetts Technology Collaborative, Westborough, MA


Lauren Mattison & Tom Bourgeois

RETScreen Software
Wilson Rickerson, Center for Sustainable Energy — presentation

Micro-CHP presentation & demo
Eric Guyer, Climate Energy

Discussion of CHP news in the northeast states

NECHPI Strategic Planning
Erin Russell-Story

NECHPI Sub-Committee update
Chris Young

February 2006 Meeting
Tuesday, February 21, Pace University midtown location, New York, NY


Lauren Mattison – Northeast CHP Initiative, Executive Director

Introduction to Northeast CHP Initiative & Application Center
Tom Bourgeois – Northeast CHP Initiative, Chair & Northeast CHP Application Center — presentation
Larry Ambs – Northeast CHP Application Center — presentation

Overview of CHP Policy in New York City
Tim Daniels – New York City Economic Development Corp, Assistant Vice President for Energy Policy

New York Public Service Commission’s Jan. 25 Order Approving Issuance of Draft Conditioned Negative Declaration of Significance for Public Comment (Case 04-E-0572)
Deno Damaskos – Northern Power Systems — presentation

New CHP facility at New York Presbyterian Hospital

  • The addition of a CHP facility in the existing chiller plant at NYPH will be the first to interconnect to the Con Edison transmission grid in Manhattan and operate in synchronicity.
    Jennifer Kearney – New York Presbyterian Hospital , Energy Programs Manager

Opportunities and challenges for CHP in commercial buildings
Clint Plummer – Redwood Power Company — presentation


CHP Policy/Regulatory Issues in New York State

  • Notice requesting comments on extending the standby tariff exemption for certain small DG/CHP generators (Case 02-E-0551)
  • Hourly integrated pricing program
  • Niagara Mohawk’s Feb. 6 supplement to the Aug. 2005 filing on standby rates (Case 01-E-1847)
    Doug Lutzy – New York State Public Service Commission, Acting Chief, Electric Rates — presentation

Discussion of CHP news in the northeast states

Feedback on the direction of Northeast CHP Initiative

“Realizing the Benefits of a Regional CHP Market”.
April 6th, 2005 – Empire State Plaza, Albany NY
Program Page

Workshop to Identify CHP Opportunities in the
Northeast’s Food & Beverage Processing Industries
January 27, 2005 – NY State Fairgrounds, Syracuse NY

A Professional Seminar on Best Practices in CHP Feasibility Analysis
Held in Conjunction with NYSERDA’s Second Biennial Conference
“CHP In NY State – Two Years later”
June 23, 2004 – 2:00-4:30
Crowne Plaza Times Square Manhattan
Program Page

Presentations at the
March 30, 2004 NORTHAMPTON, Massachusetts
Download Powerpoint slide show here (700Kb)

Regional Meeting Docs

The Northeast region held 2 separate regional Roadmapping workshops in 2000 (materials provided below). Since then, the groups have combined and hosted one cohesive Northeast regional initiative that kicked-off in Spring of 2002.

The following are the Regional CHPRoadmapping Events that led up to the 1st National CHP Roadmap Workshop in October 2000. The larger Northeast Initiative that began in 2002 comprised 2 separate workshops prior to the first National CHP Roadmap Event. Background materials included.

The Northeast (NY, NJ, CT, PA)

Summary: Northeast CHP Workshop, Piscataway, NJ, January 19-20, 2000 (PDF, 144Kb)

Regional Northeast Workshop Documents

Northeast Matrix–National Focus and Regional Needs (PDF, 17 Kb)
Background document on how Regional Needs were prioritized (PDF, 32Kb)
Potential CHP Working Group for continued regional effort (PDF, 5 Kb)
New England (MA, ME, VT, NH)

Summary: New England CHP Workshop, Orono, ME, April 6, 2000 (PDF, 32 Kb)

Regional New England Workshop Documents

New England–National Focus and Regional Needs (PDF, 17 Kb)
Background document on how Regional Needs were prioritized (PDF, 30 Kb)
Potential CHP Working Group for continued regional effort (PDF, 10 Kb)