Save the date!
“Realizing the Benefits of a Regional CHP Market”.
April 6th, 2005 – Empire State Plaza, Albany NY
The Northeast Combined Heat and Power Initiative (NECHPI) will hold its annual one-day meeting in the Spring of 2005.
Where: Convention Center Meeting Rooms 2 & 3, Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY
When: Wednesday, April 6, 2005, registration begins at 8 AM, meeting adjourns at 4:30 PM
Cost: $50 per attendee, fee waived for government employees (local, state, and federal government employees)
A block of rooms has been reserved at Holiday Inn Express Turf, 1442 Western Avenue, Albany, NY, for the night of Tuesday April 5th at the discount rate of $92 plus tax. Call the hotel before March 15th to make lodging reservations at (518) 438-0001 and mention “NECHPI” to receive the discount.